The Sterling is a classic detector made by Minelab of Australia. First introduced in 1993 with a white open center searchcoil. This detector has a cult like following, is still very popular and in high demand.
The Sterling (blue box) is identical to the Minelab Tribune (green box) which was marketed in the UK. In 1994, both were relabeled as the Musketeer X in both blue and green metal housings as the Sterling was. They came equipped with a newer and better constructed solid white, water resistant searchcoil.
All three models extremely well constructed, easy to use and work well for backpacking. Performance wise they can keep up with most modern day detectors.
They go very deep and handle soil with high mineralization with ease.
The Sterling, Tribune, Musketeer X evolved into the Colt, Musketeer XS and current Musketeer Advantage.
All current Musketeer Advantage search coils will work with the Sterling, Tribune and Musky X. Coil performance of the solid white and the black coils are identical.Aftermarket searchcoils that fit current Musketeers will fit all earlier models.
Increase Depth & Performance of your Sterling, Tribune, Musketeer X