Gold Mountain produced several economy class metal detectors that were not stylish and did not sell that well. Bill Mahan's son, founder of D-Tex bought out Gold Mountain and introduced several new models. One being the VIP, similar to a D-Tex unit. Gold Mountain eventually became Gold Mountain Technologies and introduced several fantastic detectors.
These detectors are very much in demand today--GM1650, King Cobra, Thunderstick, Scorpion.
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GMT KING COBRA ---- Build your own

A fellow Geotech member KT315 has taken  a very popular, in demand, hard to find King Cobra and reproduced a new PCB.

So if your willing to take the challenge you can build your very own version. I ordered two PCB's myself which just arrived.

Geotech Forum King Cobra Build Thread

To make your build complete Keith Wills of East Texas Metal Detectors bought out GMT's remaining control boxes and s-handles, search coil rods.

East Coast Metal Detectors