Classic Metal Detectors
Searching for silver and gold coins, jewelry and relics as well as prospecting for gold nuggets is a fantastic hobby. Many find it relaxing, a way to tune out the world and come home a little richer.
Metal detectors from the late 1970's to the 1990's are still being used to day and are now called Classics. They are of an older "Analog" type detector vs. modern "Digital" micro processor type detector. There is still a huge demand for these older detectors, as many of them still can compete with modern detectors in many ground conditions. Have superior discrimination control, better audio, better coin ID meter indication, perform better in high iron trash areas, etc. Main drawback to those older units, they are not lightweight (4-6 pounds), they use up to 14 AA batteries, have large bulky lunchbox look and feel. Compare them to modern detectors, you'll see a difference. Modern detectors are much smaller in size, have featherweight plastic housings and use one or more 9 volt batteries. If your new to the hobby, take a good look at some of the older metal detectors. Many of the top of the line models can be purchased for a fraction of modern top of the line models!
A collection of information, photographs, download-able manuals, catalog, brochures, field more is obtained, it will be added. It will be worth your while to check back often. Click on any catalog image to view sample pages. Or download the entire catalog. View all other images in larger size, by clicking on the image itself.
Tips, tricks, how-to's and modifications to make your treasure hunting experience more enjoyable.
This website is not limited to only Classic metal detectors.